Information on Target 21 follows the list of items that can be viewed on this site and is taken from the CRCA Youth website.

Target 21 Event Reports



Target 21 is named so because its goal is to target the leaders of the 21st century church.  As a denomination we have many talented youth.  Some may have gifts in teaching, working with children, leading a musical group, mercy ministry or in one of the many other areas of the church community.  Target 21 serves the local church in encouraging these leaders, educating and training them, inspiring them to have a vision for our churches and seek to be faithful leaders.

This program is designed to give a wide range of training and experience to the young person that has interest and aptitude for leadership.  It is a denominationally provided help to the local church in pinpointing and training young leaders.  Target 21 pools the resources of four well-established denominational ministries; SWIM, Reformed Theological College, Resource Centre and Youth Connection.

Target 21 is an intensive, two week program that involves an inspirational week in Geelong at the Reformed Theological College in classrooms and small groups, with rich teaching in Leadership and Bible stuff. This includes visits to an inner Melbourne street outreach as well. One week is then spent in the Solomon Islands undertaking a cross-cultural mission experience. Two more days are spent in Geelong debreifing and planning your developmental track. All Target 21 participants have a self-selected mentor in their own church.

This program is a huge encounter with in-your-face teaching and experience. You will not leave unchanged and you will never be the same. We hope you will live a life of active service to God as a consequence.

The program is for those aged 16-19 years old.


  • Glorify God in all its programs, ambitions and aims.

    Encourage potential leaders to be intentional about their development as leaders.

    Impart a vision for the Kingdom and the local church.

    Equip young people with attitudes and dreams for leadership.

    Develop a confidence and desire for ongoing training.


Projected Outcomes

  • Young people working towards leadership, personally and spiritually

    Increased ministry candidates.

    Positive attitudes towards leadership positions.

    Focussed leadership in the future church.


Exciting Development Program

Target 21 operates annually in the mid-year break. (The program dips into a week of school for some, as some state holidays don’t overlap). 


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